What are the goals of the Foundation of the CMSC?
The goals of the Foundation are simple and focused:
- Driving mentored research scholarships and opportunities to improve patient care in the future;
- Providing annual awards and tools for CMSC members helping patients today;
- Offering Research Fellowships and awards, expansion of CMSC Pilot Research grants as well as growth of the CMSC Global MS Patient Registry.
How is the Foundation organized?
The Foundation is organized as a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, governed by an elected board of trustees comprised of MS experts and committed individuals.
How does the Foundation acquire/receive funds?
The Foundation receives funds in three ways:
- educational grants supporting training and research initiatives;
- institutional donations and charitable contributions;
- private contributions from individuals.
How does the Foundation distribute/grant funds?
Evaluation of applications for the award of FCMSC funds and initiatives are approved through review teams appointed by the FCMSC Board of Trustees.
How do MS patients and professionals benefit from Foundation support?
In recent years, the CMSC has established a number of scholarships to medical students, physicians in training, physician extenders and nursing students. Additional peer-reviewed awards, such as the Whitaker Prize for MS Research, Medical Student Research Scholar awards and Clinician-Scientist Development Fellowship award encourage the development of research skills by young researchers and students.
The CMSC/NARCOMS Global Patient Registry has grown to be the world’s largest patient-driven database as a result of Foundation assistance, and is extending services to Spanish-speaking communities.
Consensus Conferences organized by the FCMSC focus on bringing together bodies of knowledge in specific areas of clinical care and management of MS.
Every dollar raised by the Foundation of the CMSC can make a difference in the life of someone with MS. Potential breakthroughs are possible through the CMSC’s comprehensive care model and the Foundation’s support of its core initiatives.
Can I direct my contribution for a specific purpose?
Yes. For donations of $100.00 or more you can choose to have your donation directed to anyone of the core Initiatives of the Foundation. You can make a gift in honor of a colleague or memeory of a loved one.
Please feel free to contact the Foundation with special requests.
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